Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's ALREADY July 4th!

Gee, where does the time go?!
The July 4th holiday was great. We watched the little parade here in the village and attended the ice cream social at the park across the lake. Shawn and I got a good laugh when the girls pointed out THEIR dock from across the lake and in reply, someone said "oh is that your grandparents dock?!" Like a young family couldn't possibly REALLY live there! ha! Later we rode with neighbor, Mr Marcum on his pontoon boat around Thaggard's lake. In the evening, we attended a cookout at the Blatz's house with the Iveys and Pussers. Great food, drink and fireworks!
And what did I learn today? Target makes "mommy juice boxes"...yes, wine in a small box, individual serving...fits nicely in the cup holders in your car!

July 5th we basically hung out at home and dodged severe rain showers. The kids did have a bike race and got to swim in the lake. Shawn got the boat running smoothly enough to tow each kid around the lake. Alyssa kept yelling for us to slow down, but her facial expressions and body language did not really reflect what she was saying!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Yeah a blog entry! Wait until I tell my mom about the mommy juice boxes!

Lisa's ramblings about life.