Monday, April 14, 2008

Is it spring break or spring torture?

It's 728am. Something is wrong. What is that sound in my house? AHHHHH! It is silence!!! Yes, the big kids are back to school today and Jenna is still snuggled in bed....How long can it last?

The past 10 days all 3 kids have been on "spring break". I am not sure where that term came from. It certainly is no "break" for the parent who is expected to fill the void of 8 hours of school, great teachers and 20 something classmates.

The very first day of the "break" the fighting started, with arguments like who was the first one up or who was the last one asleep that night. I knew it would be a LLLOONNGG 10 days. Less than 24 hours ago, the girls were arguing over who had the most snot in their nose and the worst allergies. PUH LEAASSE!

We filled our days with gardening and playing out side. Going out in the kayaks and having a few sleep overs. We did make it over to the zoo and to see the movie Nim's Island. The girls had soccer games and practices. So all in all, not a bad "break".

My biggest concern though, is that this is just a taste of what "summer torture" is going to be like. Someone tell me where i go to sign up for year round school, again?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

soooo hilarious. I told you to come and visit me!

Lisa's ramblings about life.